Thursday, February 19, 2015

Same name for Challenge Missions within a year

In the computer era Zynga is still not able to remember the names of the events which were released, in this case, for a period of one year. Challenge Mission: Bangkok was released on April, 30th, 2014 - first time. Of course, items were different, energy cost was a bit smaller, title was yellow but if you can't remember that something was released already, write it down. 
We here have a great proverb: Konj ima veliku glavu jer mora sve pamtiti, čovjek uzme papir i olovku pa zapiše!!!! I would try to translate this: Horse has a big head because has to  memorize all, man took the paper and pencil and write. 

So, if you can't remember, and computers are not working or you do not know how to use them, take peace of paper and write. Hope you have pencils, if not just ask, you will get them more then you will get new subscribers with this new Mission Event. 

All about old Challenge Mission Bangkok you can find on our blog by clicking ---> HERE <---

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